What you need to know about: Family Balancing- Gender Selection

AIA is a Reproductive Clinic in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. One of our services is Family Balancing Pre-Conception. The gender of a fetus at pregnancy is determined by the sex chromosome carried by the sperm, giving a sex ratio of 50:50 male versus female.

During the process of gender selection via sperm sorting, we tend to increase the chances of having a female or male child by separating sperm that bear the X chromosome (female) and those that bear the Y chromosome (male), and inseminating (via IUI) those sperm rich fractions for whichever sample is desired.

The Gender Selection process has also been used to balance the sex ratio in a family thus a “family balancing” modality.


The sperm sorting procedure can be employed for couples who want to have their child of a specific gender or wish to have a specific gender child to balance the sex ratio of their children in their family. 

Our success rate in shifting the sex ratio is approximately 85% for the male selection and 73% for the female selection.

It should be noted that this is not a guaranteed procedure, but it will definitely increase ones chances for a specific sex of a child. 

Gender selection does not damage or alter the sperm in any way, therefore, it will not affect the chances for any abnormalities to the fetus, the establishment of a pregnancy or the health status of the born child.

Sperm Selection


Make an appointment and on the day of ovulation, you will come to our facilities to have it done.

We use a modified Sedimentation Method to sort the sperm into two fractions (male: female).

After sorting we IUI (Intra-Uterine Insemination) the woman with the desired sperm fraction.


It is highly cost-effective

Can be done at our Center

It takes 3-4 hours to complete.


It yields a lower success rate of the desired gender (86% for male; 74% for female)

No PGD on the embryo is necessary; we only treat the sperm

Cost: $1,850 paid on the time of service. Or a prepaid $299.99 consultation with Dr. Zavos will be subtracted from the cost of the Gender Selection

Where: It is done at our Center at the Andrology Institute of America

(This price does not include the IUI procedure)

Embryo Screening


Embryos are created outside the womb using traditional IVF techniques.

Utilizes PGD to determine the sex of the embryo.

The embryo of the desired gender is implanted into the womb via ET.


Chance of the desired gender is near 100%

PGD can be used to check for other genetic defects (Aneuploidy)


It is an invasive procedure with hyperstimulation.

Requires rather complex in vitro techniques

Significantly More expensive

Can not be done at home

Cost: $12,000-$15,000

It is done at our own IVF referral centers

The embryo of the desired gender is implanted into the womb via ET.

Sperm Selection (sorting)

The gender selection that we utilize at our Center is a convenient and simple way to “up the odds” of having a baby of the desired gender (boy or girl).

The procedure is rather simple and straight forward: You may call our offices in Lexington Kentucky, USA (859-278-6806) and make your appointment at any time prior to having the procedure done.

Once you make your appointment and on the day of your ovulation, it will be necessary for you to physically come to our facilities, where our personnel under the direction of Professor Zavos, will obtain a fresh specimen from the male partner and apply the sorting process to sort the male and/or female sperms.

Then we make them available to you were under the medical guidance and attendance of one of our referring OB/GYN-infertility specialists will perform the placement of the semen sample into you via artificial insemination using intrauterine insemination techniques.

Embryo Screening with PGD

The new scientific advances offer virtually guaranteed results. Recent advances in the fields of genetics, genetic diagnosis, embryo biopsy and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) have opened up a new world of opportunities for couples interested in achieving a healthy pregnancy.

The way that the PGD technology works in selecting the sex of the embryo is by employing embryo biopsy. Couples undertaking in vitro fertilization (IVF) are given the opportunity of knowing the gender of each embryo prior to the decision concerning which embryos shall be returned to the womb via embryo transfer and which shall be safely stored for a later date for transfer.

The overall process is carried out as an egg is taken from the woman during IVF and fertilized with sperm outside the womb creating what is sometimes referred to as a “test tube baby”. The fertilized egg yields an embryo which can then be screened using PGD before transferring to the womb.

While IVF with PGD is not the the only method for sex pre-selection offered by our Center, it is the only procedure where success rates are as high as 99.9% for either gender. It also presents zero risks to the mother or the produced child.

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